Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Institute for Ethics and Public Affairs, San Diego State University
Joseph Stramondo's teaching and research focus on how social and political forces shape the institutions and practices of bio-medicine in morally significant ways. He studies how various systems of oppression – especially those pertaining to disability – have influenced bioethical thought, education, policy, and practice.
April 9 / 3:30 PM (EDT):
The Ethics of Passing and Disability Disclosure in Professional Philosophy
This talk will explore if or when one has an ethical duty to disclose their disability in a higher education setting. I will argue that faculty, especially permanent, tenured faculty, sometimes have a moral obligation to disclose their disability identity to create the social space for other disabled people with less institutional power to flourish within the academy. However, this obligation is limited, and its strength is directly proportional to the likelihood and degree of risk posed by disclosure, which tends to track an individual’s power within the ivory tower.